
Logistic Solutions in Medical Research

Frequently Asked Questions

What statistics software do you recommend?

In general, we do not recommend non-statisticians invest in statistics software. We beleive researchers should concentrate their valuable time and efforts on their own area of area of expertise and leave the statistical analysis to statisticians. At MedStatStudio we can aid researchers to tabulate their data in an appropriate format to allow error free transfer to our statistics software model. Usually, this entails either a web based interface directly to our database, or a simple coma seperated spreadsheet of data.

In general, we consider this question similar to asking which type of Computer Aided Design Software is best - if you are a professional you already know, and if you are an amateur no software will make you into a professional.

What statistics software do you use?

At MedStatStudio, we find that no statistical software package is adequate for all phases of statistical analysis. In general, we use MySQL as a database for the data collection and manipulation, often with a PHP/HTML web interface. Data analysis is usually performed using 'R a language and environment for statistical computing'. Results are often returned using the FastRWeb/Rserve packages for direct viewing on the web interface.

Which textbook in statistics do you recommend?

Again, we believe it is usually not necessary nor efficient for researchers to attempt to gain an in-depth knowledge of statistical theory. Throughout the research process, consultants at MedStatStudio will provide references for inclusion in your scientific manuscripts, and for your reading if you enjoy getting a more in depth knowledge of the methodology.

Can I have the raw data?

Of course, the raw data is property of the researcher. At MedStatStudio we empasize transparency in all phases of the research. Regardless of how your data is processed - even when using our web interface - we are always happy to return the raw data to you, and would be happy to provide the data in a format convenient for you.

What are some hidden costs of using amateur statisticians?